Bakery Products Guide: Tools, Ingredients, and Techniques

Bakery Products Guide, from bakeware materials to non-dairy whipping creams and cake premix options. Discover tips and tricks to elevate your baking skills and create delicious baked goods.

Bakery Products Guide: Types Of Bakeware – Materials used in the preparation of Bakeware:-

Just like with pots and pans, it’s important to know what kind of material your bakeware is made from. Most commercial cake/baking pans are made of either metal: aluminum, stainless steel or silicone

Metal: High Heat, Good Results

Metal bakeware is the ultimate heat conductor; metal baking pans heat up and cool down quickly, which makes them ideal for baking cookies and cakes. Metal pans come in various types, each of which can have a different effect on the outcome of your baked goods. The following are the most common types of metal bakeware used in today’s commercial baking industry.

Anodized Aluminum Pan:-

Aluminum is recognized as an ideal metal to achieve optimal-baking results. By reflecting rather than absorbing heat, aluminum reaches baking temperatures faster and cools quickly. Aluminium is generally silver anodized finished for enhancing the baking process and delivering the best in safety and performance so you can bake with confidence.

Benefit of using Anodized aluminium pan:-

  • Anodizing is not a chemical coating, but an environmentally friendly finishing process containing no extra metals and no dyes, CFCs, PTFEs or PFOAs. It seals the porous surface of aluminum to provide a safe and non-reactive baking surface, preventing fats, oils, sugar and cleaning agents from absorbing into bakeware. This helps resist the formation of bacteria and protects against abrasion so it won’t chip, rust, peel or flake and contaminate your food or deliver unintended results.
  • Steel or conventional aluminum bakeware often reacts poorly with acidic foods and may leach residual tastes or even metals into your product. The non-reactive surface of anodized aluminum makes it compatible with a wider-variety of recipes.  Also, by preventing sugar from permeating the pan surface when heating during baking cycles, it minimizes the tendency for foods to stick. This offers a critical advantage when baking cakes, pastries and other delicate recipes.

Anodized aluminum is a nonreactive baking-pan material. This type of pan, which is light in color, keeps the bottom crust nice and light, with less wrinkling than what you will find when using darker pans. By reflecting heat rather than absorbing it, anodized aluminum reaches proper baking temperatures more quickly and cools down quickly too.

Anodized baking pan

Non dairy Topping Cream:-

Dairy-free whipping creams are becoming commercially popular because of their improved functionality and the significant cost advantages they offer. They allow food manufacturers to reduce the fat content of recipes, catering to an increasingly health-conscious market. And from a cost perspective, dairy-free whipping creams offer better cost-in-use calculations compared to their dairy counterparts because vegetable fat is a lot more affordable than dairy fat. As a result, there has been an increase in the availability of vegetable fat-based creams, often referred to as non-dairy, dairy-free, imitation, or topping creams and used frequently in desserts and for cake decorating.

Dairy-free whipping cream is a liquid oil-in-water emulsion, which can be whipped into a stable foam. The foam consists of air bubbles dispersed in a serum phase. It typically contains vegetable fat, milk proteins, sweeteners, water, emulsifiers and stabilizers. Emulsifiers are important in making dairy-free whipping creams, but it can be a challenge to grasp their role.

Most Popular brand of Non dairy whipped cream:-

  1. Ornima Whip delight topping: – Ornima is a brands name which specialize in the many bakery & confectionary products. It is the brand name of Inmax food pvt. Ltd having office in Shalimar Bag, New Delhi offers a wide range of barkery & confectionary products such as -Non dairy creams, decorative bakery fillings, food color, essence, fondant, fruit filling, ganache etc.

Orinima whipped delight topping-

Orinima whipped delight topping is a delicious topping an excellent and economical direct replacement for dairy cream. Great on hot chocolate, truffle, pudding, waffles, etc. Its texture and body will hold up under the most rigid food service demands due to its rich, fine flavor. Cakes decorated by this topping can keep its shape for a long time even environment temperature remain above 35 to 40 degree centigrade. It has High overrun and foam stability. Our whipping products meet the highest degree of acceptance in their application areas. Possess quite good stability, which is best to decorate splendid cakes, and a longer selflife.
Bakery Ingredients and Confectionery Products Manufacturers ... Ornima gallery of Bakery Product Cream Cakes Ingredients ...


Features and Benefits of orinima whipped Non dairy cream:-

  • Its Non-dairy cream is very Smooth, light and creamy texture. It has outstanding stability and have whipping power more than 4 times in its volume in minutes. It is cost effectives and easy to store than the dairy products. It can used as a topping & filling in cakes and pastry.
  • It has Shelf Life of upto 12 months if stored unopened at -18°C or below. If store opened at 4-7°C, its shelf life will be upto 5 days maximum. If the cream is whipped then it must be stored at 4 – 7°C upto maximum 2-3 days
  • This delicious topping an excellent and Great on hot chocolate, truffle, pudding, waffles, etc. Its texture and body will hold up under the most rigid food service demands due to its rich, fine flavor. Cakes decorated by this topping can keep its shape for a long time even environment temperature remain above 35 to 40 degree centigrade. It has High overrun and foam stability.
  • Price Range:- Rs 190-225 per Kg.
  • This company have 4 range of Non Dairy cream products such as-
  1. Shineroad Non dairy whipped creams:- SHINEROAD FOODS (INDIA) PVT. LTD. is one of the leading producer of NON-DAIRY WHIP TOPPING in India. Shineroad Foods entered the Indian market in year 2008 and has continued to produce high-quality bakery products, starting with Non-Diary Whip Topping, Cold Glaze & Cooking Cream.

The company has the following Non dairy cream types are:-

  1. Tropical Premium:- it is Non dairy cream usually used for topping in cakes. Cream has a great taste, smooth, light & creamy with no aftertaste.

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Product Features of tropical premium:-

  • It has Outstanding stability and versatile use as an ingredients in topping, garnish or filling.
  • It provide Superior yield: Whip up to more than four times of it`s volume in minutes, making it cost effective and easier to store then dairy products.
  • Smooth in application.
  • Made from best quality premium ingredients.
  • Shelf Life:-Unopened at (at -18º C or below) : 12 Months
  • Packaging:-Unit Weight: 1 Kg (12 Pcs Units/ case)
  • Storage:-Keep in cool and dry Place
  • Applications:-Cake Topping & Filling I Dessert I Mousse I Souffle, Cold Cheese Cake I Pies I Tarts
  1. DELIGHT PLUS:- it is Cholesterol and trans fat free non dairy cream having Excellent stability & Compatible with acidic ingredients. Its whipping capacity is 4 times in its volume. It is Smooth, shiny, creamy product with vanilla flavours.

Use for;- Cake Topping & Filling I Dessert I Mousse I Souffle, Cold Cheese Cake I Pies I Tarts

Pic soure:-

  1. Whipo Star:- This is economically priced whip topping cream with good shine & great stability as a replacement to dairy, margarine and in the bakery & food service industry.

Product Features:-it is Low fat product and cholesterol and trans fat free. It has good stability and can Over-run more than 4.5 times and have Smooth, shiny with vanilla flavours.

Used for:- Cake Topping & Filling, Dessert ,Mousse, Soufflé, Cold Cheese Cake, Pies & Tarts fillings.

Pic soure:-

  1. Delight:-it is lower brand of Non dairy whipped cream. It is also Cholesterol and trans fat free Non dairy cream. It can also be whipped upto 4 times its volume. It has Smooth, shiny, creamy product with milky vanilla flavour.

It also Used for:- Cake Topping & Filling, Dessert ,Mousse, Soufflé, Cold Cheese Cake, Pies & Tarts fillings.

Pic soure:-

  1. Rich Non Dairy Cream:-

Richs india is a multi national company which offers many bakery & confectionary products such as Non dairy whipping creams, fruit gels, glazes, truffle solution etc.

Rich’s has several variety of Non dairy creams:-

  1. Rich whip toppings:-

It is Non dairy whipped cream which is a product of Rich’s India .It has a neutral taste and flavours. the Ideal whipping temperature for product is +7°C to 10°C. Temperature, whipping speed, bowl size and amount of product whipped affect whipping time, yield and its feature



It is a versatile whip topping Non dairy cream suitable for cakes and desserts and specially designed for Indian conditions! Rich’s Excel Whip is a value for money, quality product with superior yield and good stability in tropical temperatures. It has a shelf life of 1 year.



Rich’s Niagara Farms Gold is a premium whip topping with actual dairy cream blended in it to provide a delectable creamy taste to your premium offerings. It also comes with an exquisite texture and smooth dairy mouthfeel. Its outstanding taste and strong performance makes it a chef’s delight to work with

Pic Source-


A unique icing and filling, Rich’s Bettercreme has a predominant vanilla taste and a buttery mouthfeel. The high solid content makes it ideal to impart dark colors and support robust cake decorations. With the patented freeze-flow technology, this product does not harden upon freezing making it apt for ice-cream cakes or frozen applications.



A product that performs! Rich’s Star Whip with its pure vanilla taste helps you create tasty and fabulous looking cakes and desserts. It has high yield along with good shine and stability in tropical temperatures.

Pic source-

  1. Other Rich Non-dairy creams are-

Rich chocolate whipped toppings, Rich whipped topping Gold, Rich whipped topping silver etc.

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  1. Tropolite Non dairy cream brand by Davaras Company:-

Tropilite Foods Pvt Ltd (TFPL) has a well-known repute in the food processing industry. Established in the year 1982 by the Davars Group. It offers many Non dairy creams products such as-

  1. Truflmate is a creme base for making superb tasting colored and flavored truffle. It blends easily with oil soluble gel colors and flavors. Imparts excellent shine to truffle cakes.

Manufacturer and Supplier of Bakery Ingredients | Davars

Pic source-Davars

Other Tropolite Non dairy cream are:- Tropolite crystal premium, Tropolite premium, Tropolite truflite, Tropolite Besttrop, Tropolite ecotrop.

Pic source-Davars

  1. BLUE BIRD Whipped Cream is a smooth flowing cream that can be prepared in 3 minutes flat, by just adding chilled water. Ideal for decoration of cakes & pastries, topping for sweets & desserts and to thicken mocktails & milk shakes (instead of ice creams).

Basic Uses:-Decorations on cakes & pastries, Topping for sweets & desserts to thicken mocktails & milkshakes, (instead of ice-cream)

Whipped Cream

Pic source-

Cake premix products:-

RICH is also have many cake premix products which is sold in the brand name of Allen such as-Allen cake mix yellow pound, Allen cake donut mix food naturally and artificially flavoured, allen country classic cake base carrot, Allen cream cake & muffin mix, Allen EZ Cake mix angel food

Cake premix products from Davars brands:-

Tropilite Foods Pvt Ltd (TFPL) has a well-known repute in the food processing industry. Established in the year 1982 by the Davars Group. It offers many Cake premix products such as-

Hi Sponge V: – it is a cake premix of Premium quality specially made for High Quality Vanilla Sponge having shelf life of approx. 9 months. Packet size- 01 kg pkt.

How to Use- Take 01 kg High sponge V premix, Mix with 13-15eggs, 150ml. whisk at slow speed to make sponge ready.

MMV 25 ( Vanilla Sponge Premix ) by Saini Trading Company -
Hi Sponge C- it is premium premix products specially designed for high quality chocolate sponge.

How to Use-Take 01 kg High sponge C premix, Mix with 10-12eggs, 150ml water & oil for 50ml approx. whisk at slow speed to make sponge ready.

Premix of Brownie in less price - KOLKATA SAI HOUSE | Facebook
Premium EMMV &Premium EMMCH (Muffin premix & chocolate muffin premix)- it is premium premix products specially designed for high quality Muffins products.

How to Use-Take 01 kg EMMV/EMMCH Premix, Mix with 7-9 eggs, 270ml water & oil for 360ml approx. whisk at slow speed to make muffin.

Cake Premix Brands in India
Gluten Free Cake Mix:- it is a cake premix which is Gluten free and specially design for chocolate cake.

How to Use:- Take 01 kg gluten free cake premix, Mix with 6-8 eggs, 300ml water & oil for 30ml approx. whisk at slow speed to gluten free cake.

Premix from Bakerykart

Bakerykart is an enterprise of Quidpro Ventures Pvt Ltd, Bakerykart is a strictly an online marketplace. We do not have physical stores. Its sales many bakery products online and having many brands like Bakersville which is an American products.

Some popular cake premix products from bakerykart are:-

American Brownie Cake Premix – 10kg

Premix launched by Bakersville is the pure ingredient for the eggless preference. The premixes are available in all varieties. Maintaining the theme of purity in all of its ingredients

Bakersveggie American Brownie Cake Premix

Premix launched by Bakersville is the pure ingredient for the eggless preference.

Price- approx. Rs 280 per kg

Bakersveggie Eggless Lava Cake Premix

Premix launched by Bakersville is the pure ingredient for the eggless preference. The premixes are available in all varieties. Maintaining the theme of purity in all of its ingredients.

Price-Approx 370 rupee per kg

Bakerswhip Cheese Cake Mix

Bakerswhip Cheese cake no bake dessert mix is a perfect option to prepare this delicious dessert in just few minutes. The mix made simply with water & cream has a velvety smooth taste. Delicious if served together with strawberries, berries, chocolate and caramel sauce.

Price- approx. Rs 600 per 500gms.

Cake premix product by Puratos:-

Premium cake mixes for cream cakes and moist cakes-

  • Satin Cream Cake premix,
  • Satin Moist Cake premix,
  • Satin Wholegrain premix, 
  • Satin Muffin and Satin Savoury premix.
  • Savoie cake & sponge mixes for sponge & chiffon cake
  • 4-ever puratos mix for pound cake
  • X-press cake mix for cream & sponge cake




Author: chef radhe
Post by Date
February 2025

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