Black Rice Superfood: The New Age Superfood

Black rice: – The new age super food

What is black rice?:-

Black rice is a type of medium grain, low glutinous, most exotic, highly nutritious heritage rice belong to the species of “Oryza sativa L.” family and mainly cultivated in Asian countries.

  • Black rice is actually a heirloom rice which means it is open pollinated and was mainly cultivated in ancient times in china during Ching and Ming dynasties. It was termed as Forbidden Rice, Emperor Rice, Imperial rice or King’s rice etc because of its restriction for public use & was only reserved for the Chinese emperor for whom it was meant for health & longevity.
  • Black rice was only reserved for high class Chinese officials and requires a proper permission from royal authorities to consume this rice. Eating this black rice without seeking permission from royal court had life threatening consequence during ancient times in china.


Pic & lifeandaztrendz

  • Its grain has black to deep purple color, slightly sweet & nutty flavor. Some of the variety of black rice can be bit more glutinous. It is always sold as whole rice and never polished so that its outermost layer of bran stay intact with rice grain.

Characteristic of Black Rice grain-

All the dark color rice such as Forbidden rice or Chinese black rice , purple rice, Indonesian black rice, Thai black rice, Japonica black rice etc are grouped under the name Black Rice due to its unusual black color of the rice grain.

Black rice is not at all related to wild rice instead it is a variety of true brown rice. Black rice cultivation is very low due to very poor yield resulting it is still rarer than other type of rice variety.


Pic source-webstaurants store

  • The main characteristic of black rice is its outer coating (pericarp) is deep black color pigment “Anthocyanin”. The color pigment “Anthocyanin” is mainly due to the presence of variety of flavones, sterols, tannin, Phenolics & amino acids. The anthocyanin components in black rice are about 26.3 % which is very high in quantity in any types of grains & fruits even more than blueberries, eggplant, concord grapes, blood orange as well as purple cauliflower.
  • Its color pigment is mainly located in the aleurone layer of Rice which is the outer most layer of the de-hulled rice grain. The same color pigment that gives eggplants, blackberries, concord grapes, blood orange their deep color, purple cauliflower & purple corn etc.
  • The black rice is gluten free rice as well as cholesterol free rice. It is also low in sugar & oil. It is usually sold un-milled and never polished as in case white rice. It is generally consumed along with its bran due to the presence of highly nutritious black color pigment called “Anthocyanin”. Its bran contains very high anti-oxidants which makes it a highly nutritious super food.
  • One of the typical characteristic of Black Rice is that, when it is cooked, the black color pigment lightens and turns into deep purple or violet colour and becomes very popular for dessert & sweet preparation that’s why it is also called “purple rice”.
  • Black rice has magical aroma, relatively intense flavor, deliciously nutty taste, soft texture & beautiful deep purple color when cooked, which make it quite different from other types of aromatic rice.
  • Black Rice has been termed as super nutritious Rice due to its several medicinal properties such as rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic etc and high nutritious value such as high in fiber, Vitamins like B & E and Minerals like Iron, Thiamine, Magnesium, Niacin & Phosphorous etc and has potential to stop the development of diabetes mellitus, Cancer, Heart disease etc.


A brief history of cultivation of black rice

The origin of cultivation of black Rice is not clear. In ancient time it was mainly cultivated & reserved for emperor food in china and used as a tribute food during Ching and Ming dynasties. Black Rice was termed as forbidden rice in ancient times in china not because it looked poisonous because of its black color but because of its high nutritional value & high antioxidants content and it was only reserved for its emperor use. Royal families and kings of ancient China used to eat this special rice to ensure their longevity and good health.

  • Black rice was mainly reserved for Chinese emperor & its royal family & as per the law, even the rich people requires a proper permission from royal authorities to consume this rice. Eating this black rice without seeking permission from royal court had life threatening consequence during ancient times in china.


Black rice is not easy to harvest as it only yields about 10% resulting making this rice very expensive.

  • This black rice is mainly grown in Asian countries like China, Srilanka, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia etc & even in eastern region of India especially in Manipur state whose boarder surrounding Myanmar where it is popularly known as “Chak-hao Ambi”. Chak-Hao means delicious whereas Ambi means Black, thus refer to delicious black rice.
  • China accounts for 62% of black rice production in the world followed by Sri Lanka (8.6%), Indonesia (7.2%), India (5.1%), Bangladesh (4.1%) and few in Malaysia & Philippines etc. Thailand holds the 9th position for black rice cultivation. In India black rice is grown in North-eastern states like Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam and some parts of Odisha.
  • In Bangladesh, it is commonly known as “Kalo dhaner chaal meaning black paddy rice which is used to make kheer & pulao.

Cultivation of Black Rice in India:-

Black Rice is indigenous rice belong to mainly north-east state of India where it is extensively grown & commonly consumed specially in Manipur where it is locally known as “Chak-hao Ambi”. Chak-Hao means delicious whereas Ambi means Black thus refer to delicious black rice.

  • According to the local farmers, the cultivation & processing of black rice is very expensive as compare to normal white or brown rice as its yield is very low. Its cost of cultivations & processing are generally 2.5 times more than normal white or brown rice in India.
  • Important to mention here that:- The black rice grown in Manipur & other extremely North east region of India has highly pleasant aroma & glutinous characteristic i.e stickiness of rice is unique to this region whereas the Black rice cultivated in other part of India except North-east region have low aroma & less glutinous in nature. This is mainly due to the composition of “Anthocyanin” color pigment varies depending on agro-climatic conditions.

Geographical Indication tagging for Manipuri Black Rice by GoI.


  • The application for Chakhao was filed by the Consortium of Producers of Chakhao (Black Rice), Manipurand was facilitated by the Department of Agriculture, Government of Manipur and the North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Limited.
  • Govt of India has awarded G.I Tagging in May 2020 for black rice specially grown in Manipur region resulting the “Chak-hao Ambi” (Delicious black rice) of Manipur have become highly expensive for commercial trade.
  • The GI status is an indication that identifies goods as produced from a particular area which has special quality attributable to its geographical origin. GI has great potential to play a major role in trade and there is a possibility of preserving many traditional skills. It is sold at Rs 100-120 a kilogram on an average in the Imphal market.
  • In North east states there are two main variety of black rice are mainly grown which are- Indonesian black rice & Thai Jasmine black Rice. No celebration is complete without a serving of the black rice kheer in Manipur people. “The pleasant aroma and stickiness of the rice is unique to this region

Pic. Of Indonesian black rice & Thai jasmine black rice:-

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Pic source- Stock fresh &21food

Does black rice also grow in other part of India?-


Pic source- 

Yes, it is also grown in other eastern states in small quantity like Assam, Orissa, west Bengal, Jharkhand, UP & Some part of Tamil & Karnataka.

Black rice in Southern part of India: – In southern state it was only possible after an extensive research by agriculture scientist who succeeded in developing genetically modified black rice seeds specially suited for their climate & soil conditions. Farmers of Kavuni region of Tamil Nadu & Shivamongga area of karanataka started growing the highly nutritious Black Rice.

Uttar Pradesh also tried out:-

Late 2019, some of the farmers of Prayagraj also tried to cultivate the highly nutritious & highly demandable black rice as a pilot project and got success in cultivating black rice. Since then many farmers in U.P Specially from Prayagraj region & Chandaui district regions cultivating Black Rice and able to produce approx 900 quintals of black rice in the year 2020 and exported their product to foreign countries according to General Manager, Agricultural & Processed Food products exports Development Authority(APEDA) U.P

What are the various types of black rice:-

There are more than 20 varieties of Black rice from the family of Oryza Sativa L. which has anthocyanin color pigments.

The four most common types of black rice are-

Black sticky rice:- Black sticky rice is also commonly known as black glutinous rice or Indonesian black rice. It has short grains with sweet & pleasant flavor with sticky texture due to high gluten content as compare to other variety of black rice. Black glutinous rice is natural rice with grains that are unevenly colored and that look like wild rice when dry. Black sticky rice is not really black at all but uneven black color.

  • This variety of rice is mainly grown in India, Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar and Bangladesh etc. This black sticky rice is sweet nutty whole grain rice consider best suitable for delicious black rice pudding, sweet snacks etc.
  • It is known by several names in many countries:- In Indonesia it is known as – Indonesian black rice whereas in Thailand it is known as:- Black sticky rice or Kao niow dahm


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Black Japonica rice:- Black Japonica rice is basically a combination of black short grain japonica rice (25%) & medium- grain mahogany red rice(75%) developed in California, USA and grown together in the same field. This type of black Japonica rice has an earthy mushroom flavor with a mild, sweet spiciness. It also naturally gluten free rice. Black Japonica is a trade name of black rice developed by USA.


Chinese black rice: Chinese black rice also know as forbidden rice or emperor rice or Fortune Rice is mainly glutinous medium grain rice which turns a silky dark indigo color when cooked. Chinese black rice is black on the outside and black on the inside. Not all black rices look that way.

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Pic source-Namastekisha & Amazon

  • Chinese black rice is never milled and always cooked with its hull or husk intact. Traditionally Chinese black rice is steamed in bamboo stalk or tube for 1.5-02 hrs and leave this rice sit for about 20 minutes to absorb any remaining cooking water. It is chewy & starchy taste.
  • It is mainly grown in Zhezhiang region of northern China and eaten as juk (congee or porridge). Chinese black rice is used to make black vinegars, particularly those of the Zhejiang variety from that region of China. This type of black vinegar has been compared to balsamic vinegar. Chinese black rice is also used to make many different kinds of wine.

Thai Black Jasmine Rice: – This black jasmine rice has been developed through the cross breeding between black glutinous rice (Chinese black rice) & Thai hom Mali Jasmine Rice(Jasmine rice). Thai black Jasmine rice is mainly grown in Thailand where suitable climate makes it a perfect place for its cultivation. In Thailand this Jasmine rice is popularly known as “ “Khaw-Hom-Nil” which means Aromatic black onyx rice. This rice turns purple black color after cooking and has a mild subtle jasmine floral aroma. This rice is high in antioxidants, anthocyanin & pollyphenol.


pIC SOURCE- Depositphoto


NO not at all, black rice & wild rice are quite different rice variety. Even their method of cultivation & harvesting are also different. Black rice and wild rice are often confused because they are both black.

Black RiceWild Rice
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Black rice is from the rice family called Oryza sativa L and historically grown in China. It is not a wild variety of rice. It is grown same way as brown or white rice are grown.Wild rice is not rice at all but a member of the grass family called genus Zizania which is mainly grown wild in isolated lakes & River. It is extensively grown in North America.
Black rice is short grain glutinous rice with slightly sweet & nutty aroma. It turns purple or violet colour when cooked and becomes very popular for dessert & sweet preparation that’s why it is also called “purple rice”.The shape & size of wild rice is long with a nutty flavor. It is often mixed with other rice in the preparation of various dishes such as Salads. It does not turn purple color when cooked, also it is not glutinous.
Some nutritional similarity:- Both Rice are high in antioxidants, protein, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber, low in fat etc. Black rice & Wild rice both are gluten free grains.

Cooking technique of black rice:-


As we know there are 03 basic cooking techniques for almost types of Rice:

  1. Absorption method of cooking:-
  2. Pilaf method:-
  3. By drainage method or commonly known as pasta method.

Since black rice is a whole more complex hard grain, will takes longer time to cook as compare to the white or brown rice. It can also be cooked by both the above methods. Before cooking, black rice needs soaking for at least 10-12 hrs while soaking the black rice, the liquid will turn into burgundy color as some of its color pigment will dissolve into soaking liquid.

  • Cooking black rice by absorption method: Absorption method is the most basic and popular method of cooking grains. In this method, Black rice needs to be soaked prior to cooking for approx 10-12hrs to reduce the cooking time. It is then cooked with 2-2.25 times more water by absorption method until all the black rice absorbed the cooking liquid and gets fully cooked.

Point to Note: The cooking time very much depends on several factors such as amount of heat applied or intensity of heat applied to cooking rice, cooking vessels, hardness of grains, pre-soaking time, ration of water to grains, Cooking environment such as altitude & humidity in air etc,

  • Cooking of black rice by pilaf method: Black rice should be first sautéed in butter or ghee with aromatic spices & herbs to impart typical aromatic flavor. After sautéing the black rice, it is then cooked in 2.5-3 times of water of rice quantity on slow flame until all the sautéed black rice fully cooked and all moisture evaporates. It is cooked similar way as the pilaf or pulao are cooked.

Note:- Both the above cooking method will produce sticky rice dish.


Picture of black rice cooked by absorption or pilaf method



  • Cooking by drainage method/ pasta method:- In this method black rice is cooked in large amount of water and when the entire black rice is cooked , all the cooking liquid is drained or discarded completely by straining it.
  • In this method, the rice will become less sticky & less nutritious as some of the starch & nutrients will drain out during straining it while draining out the cooking water. It is one of the easiest methods of cooking any type of rice.

Picture of black rice cooked by drainage or pasta method

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Culinary use of Black Rice:-

Black rice are used in the preparation of various dishes throughout the world.  Example of dishes made with Black rice are as under:-

In Salad preparation: Black rice makes a great base for salads. Its chewy texture and nutty flavor pair well with a variety of ingredients. It goes well well roasted vegetables, fresh herbs, and a tangy vinaigrette in salad making.

Examples of salad dishes are:-

  • Black Rice and Avocado Salad:-Prepared with Cooked black rice, ripe avocado, cherry tomatoes, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  • Black Rice, Cucumber, and Feta Salad:-Made with Cooked black rice, diced cucumber, crumbled feta cheese, red bell pepper, kalamata olives, red onion, fresh parsley, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
  • Black Rice and Mango Salad:-Cooked black rice, diced mango, red bell pepper, chopped cilantro, green onions, lime juice, honey, and chili flakes.
  • Black Rice and Roasted Vegetable Salad:-Cooked black rice, roasted vegetables (such as sweet potatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, and carrots), arugula or spinach, balsamic vinaigrette.
  • Black Rice and Edamame Salad:-Cooked black rice, cooked edamame, diced red bell pepper, corn kernels, scallions, sesame seeds, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and a touch of honey.
  • Black Rice and Chickpea Salad:- Cooked black rice, cooked chickpeas, diced cucumber, cherry tomatoes, red onion, fresh basil, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  • Black Rice and Pomegranate Salad:Cooked black rice, pomegranate seeds, diced cucumber, red onion, fresh mint, lemon juice, olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  • Black Rice and Corn Salad:-salad with black rice, corn, and fresh veggies, dressed with lime juice and cilantro.
  • Black Rice and Quinoa Salad:-A refreshing salad combining black rice and quinoa with fresh vegetables and feta cheese, dressed with a lemon vinaigrette.

As a Side Dishes: Its robust flavor works well with grilled or roasted dishes. It can be served as a side dish to complement meats or seafood dishes. 

Example of side dishes made with black rice are:-

  • Black Rice with Coconut and Lime:-Black rice cooked in coconut milk and topped with lime zest and shredded coconut.
  • Roasted Cod with Black Rice and Vegetables:-Mild cod fillets roasted to perfection, served with black rice and a medley of roasted vegetables.
  • Roasted Cauliflower with Black Rice and Tahini Sauce:-Crispy roasted cauliflower served over black rice, drizzled with creamy tahini sauce and a squeeze of lemon.
  • Grilled Portobello Mushrooms with Black Rice and Avocado:-Smoky grilled mushrooms served with black rice, creamy avocado, and a fresh mix of arugula and tomatoes.
  • Black Rice and Roasted Vegetable Medley:-A hearty side featuring black rice and a mix of roasted vegetables(carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, red onions), drizzled with balsamic glaze.
  • Black Rice with Garlic and Herbs:-black rice sautéed with garlic and fresh herbs, finished with a hint of lemon zest.
  • Black Rice and Edamame Stir-Fry:-A quick stir-fry combining black rice with edamame and colorful vegetables, flavored with soy sauce and ginger.
  • Black Rice and Avocado Stuffed Tomatoes:-Stuff tomato with a mix of black rice, avocado, and a zesty lime-cilantro dressing.
  • Black Rice and Spinach Gratin:-A creamy gratin with layers of black rice and spinach, topped with Parmesan cheese and a sprinkle of nutmeg.
  • Black Rice with Roasted meat and Goat Cheese:-Black rice paired with sweet roasted meat, creamy goat cheese, and crunchy walnuts, all balanced by a balsamic reduction.
  • As a black rice Bowls: Variety of Rice bowls can be prepared by combining black rice with a variety of vegetables, cheese, Meat with sauce items. For example:–  Bowl of black rice with roasted sweet potatoes, avocado, beans with tahini dressing.
  • Used in Stir-Fries dishes: Due to the firmness of black rice, it can be used in stir-fries dishes to added texture and color. Its firmness holds up well  during the stir-frying process and can enhance the overall presentation of the dish.

In Soups: Black rice can be used in the preparation of various hearty or broth based soups & stews dishes. It absorbs flavors well and can add a unique twist to traditional recipes.

Example of some of the most popular black rice based soup are:-

  • Black Rice and Mushroom Soup:-A hearty and earthy soup featuring black rice and a mix of mushrooms, with a rich broth flavored with thyme and a hint of soy sauce.
  • Black Rice and Butternut Squash Soup:-A creamy and slightly sweet soup with roasted butternut squash, black rice, and a touch of coconut milk for added richness.
  • Black Rice and Chicken Soup:-Chicken soup with black rice & vegetables (Carrot, celery & onion)
  • Black Rice and Corn Chowder:-A creamy chowder featuring black rice, sweet corn, and potatoes, with a touch of thyme and cream for added richness.
  • Black Rice and Lentil Soup:-A hearty and protein-packed soup combining black rice with lentils, vegetables, and aromatic rosemary.
  • Black Rice and Thai Coconut Soup:-A Thai-inspired soup with black rice, creamy coconut milk, and fragrant lemongrass and lime leaves, garnished with fresh cilantro.


In Puddings and Desserts: Since the Black rice has magical aroma, relatively intense flavor, deliciously nutty taste, soft texture & beautiful deep purple color when cooked, it is extensively use in preparing various dessert like Rice pudding, kheer , halwa dishes etc in many Asian countries.  It is often Cooked with coconut milk, sugar & spices to make creamy black rice pudding dessert.

Example of puddings & sweet items made with black rice are:-

  • Black Rice Pudding:– A creamy, comforting pudding where black rice is simmered in coconut milk with sugar and vanilla, creating a rich, slightly sweet dessert.
  • Black Rice Mango Pudding:-A tropical twist on traditional rice pudding, with black rice and smooth mango puree mixed into a creamy coconut milk base, garnished with lime zest.
  • Black Rice and Coconut Milk Tapioca:-A fusion of black rice and tapioca pearls in a creamy coconut milk pudding, topped with shredded coconut for added texture.
  • Black Rice and Berry Compote:-A refreshing dessert with black rice paired with a sweet and tangy berry(blueberries, strawberries, raspberries) compote, garnished with fresh mint.
  • Black Rice and Sweet Potato Pudding:-A spiced pudding combining black rice with smooth sweet potato puree and warm spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • Black Rice Chia Seed Pudding:-A nutritious pudding combining black rice with chia seeds in a coconut milk base, flavored with maple syrup and vanilla.
  • Black Rice and Pear Crumble:-A warm and comforting dessert with tender pears and black rice topped with a buttery oat crumble, baked until golden and crisp.
  • Black Rice and Chocolate Mousse:-A rich mousse with a chocolate base, incorporating black rice for added texture and depth, finished with a dollop of whipped cream.
  • Black Rice and Coconut Flan:-A silky flan made with black rice and coconut milk, caramelized with a sweet caramel sauce and vanilla.
  • Black Rice Kheer:-A creamy and aromatic rice pudding where black rice is simmered with milk, flavored with cardamom and saffron, and garnished with almonds.
  • Black Rice Payasam:-A South Indian dessert similar to kheer but made with jaggery and coconut milk, flavored with cardamom and topped with fried cashews and raisins.
  • Black Rice Halwa:-A rich halwa where black rice is cooked with ghee, milk, and sugar, and flavored with cardamom, then garnished with nuts.
  • Black Rice Laddu:-Sweet and nutty laddus made from black rice flour mixed with jaggery, ghee, and coconut, flavored with cardamom.
  • Black Rice Pudding with Coconut:-A smooth pudding with black rice cooked in coconut milk and sweetened with sugar, topped with nuts.
  • Black Rice and Coconut Burfi:-A sweet and chewy burfi made from black rice flour and coconut, cooked with condensed milk and ghee, and flavored with cardamom.
  • Black Rice and Mango Custard:-A tropical custard combining black rice with mango puree and milk, flavored with vanilla.
  • Black Rice Stuffed Modak:-Traditional modaks (sweet dumplings) filled with a mixture of black rice flour, jaggery, and coconut, flavored with cardamom and cooked in ghee.
  • Black Rice and Date Balls:-Energy balls made from black rice flour, finely chopped dates, and nuts, mixed with ghee and cardamom for a sweet and nutritious treat.
  • Chettiar people (Chettiar community of  Tamil Nādu, South India) make one of their popular black rice kheer called “Kavuni Arisi” which is prepared with equal quantity of black rice, coconut milk ,sugar & flavor with cardamom.

Picture of Kavuni Arisi (Left side) & Chak-hao rice kheer of Manipur(Right side)

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Pic source-yummy tummy &

“Chak-hao Amubi”:- Black rice is known as Chak-hao in Manipur and they prepare one of their favorite rice puddings called Chak-hao to serve in their feast. The chak-hao Amubi is a type of sticky or glutinous black rice which turns purple color when cooked and used to make porridge, kheer, rice cakes & many other dessert in North east states of India.

In Sushi dishes: Used of Black rice in Sushi now a days is very demandable due to its unique color & flavor. Black rice give sushi rolls a dramatic appearance and slight earthy flavor. It pairs well with fresh fish, chicken and vegetables items.

Example of black rice based sushi dishes are:-

  • Black Rice Sushi Rolls (Makimono):-Classic sushi rolls (makimono) made with black rice instead of white, filled with fresh vegetables like cucumber, avocado, and carrot.
  • Black Rice Sushi with Spicy Tuna:-Hand rolls filled with spicy tuna and black rice, along with crunchy cucumber and creamy avocado.
  • Black Rice Sushi with Tempura Vegetables:-Sushi rolls incorporating crispy tempura vegetables with black rice, offering a satisfying crunch and flavor.
  • Black Rice and Tofu Sushi:-Vegetarian sushi rolls featuring marinated tofu and black rice, complemented by fresh vegetables.
  • Black Rice Sushi with Mango and Salmon:-A fusion roll combining sweet mango with salmon and black rice, offering a unique and refreshing flavor profile.
  • Black Rice Sushi with Pickled Radish:-Sushi rolls featuring tangy pickled radish along with black rice and other fresh vegetables.
  • Black Rice and Smoked Salmon Sushi:– Sushi rolls with smoky salmon and a creamy touch of cream cheese, paired with black rice and fresh vegetables.
  • Black Rice Sushi with Avocado and Creamy Wasabi Sauce:-Rolls made with creamy avocado and a zesty wasabi sauce, offering a modern twist to traditional sushi.

In Breakfast dishes: Black rice is usually used as a base for savory or sweet breakfast dishes/bowl.

Examples of breakfast dishes made with black rice are:-

  • Black Rice Porridge:-A creamy porridge with black rice simmered in almond milk, sweetened with honey or maple syrup, and topped with fresh fruit and nuts.
  • Black Rice and Egg-Stuffed Avocado:-Halved avocados filled with a mix of black rice and a cooked egg, seasoned with chives, salt, and pepper.
  • Black Rice and Sweet Potato Hash:-A savory hash with black rice, roasted sweet potatoes, bell peppers, and onions, seasoned with spices.
  • Black Rice Idli:-Soft, steamed idlis made with a batter of black rice and urad dal, offering a nutritious twist on the traditional South Indian breakfast.
  • Black Rice Upma:-black rice is cooked with spices, vegetables, and tempered with mustard seeds and curry leaves.
  • Black Rice Dosa:-Crispy dosas made with a fermented batter of black rice and urad dal, served with chutney and sambar.
  • Black Rice Poha:-Flattened black rice cooked with spices, peanuts, and vegetables, garnished with fresh lemon juice and coriander.
  • Black Rice Pongal– Black rice and moong dal, flavored with ginger, pepper, and cumin, and garnished with cashews and curry leaves.
  • Black Rice and Vegetable Khichdi:-A wholesome one-pot dish of black rice and lentils cooked with mixed vegetables and spices, often served with yogurt.
  • Black Rice and Curd Rice:-A cooling and tangy dish made with black rice mixed with yogurt and tempered with mustard seeds and curry leaves.


Nutritional value of uncooked black rice per 100gms as per USDA

  • Total energy:-356 kcal
  • Protein- 8.89 gms
  • Fat:- 3.3 gmsc
  • Carbohydrate:-75.56 gms
  • Fiber:-2.2 gms
  • Iron -2.4gms
  • Gluten & Cholesterol free:- Yes
  • Highly Rich in antioxidants (Contains 23 types of antioxidants) including several types of flavonoids and carotenoids. It has the highest antioxidant activity of all rice varieties.

Health benefit of black rice:-

  • High in antioxidants:-Black rice contains highest amount of antioxidants as compare to any other rice. Antioxidants in black rice help to protect against heart disease. Anthocyanin- The color pigment found in black rice has potential to improve HDL (good cholesterol) and significantly reduce LDL (bad cholesterol).
  • Anti cancer properties:-Research has shown that Anthocyanin in black rice may also have anti-cancer properties as higher intake of anthocyanin rich food lower the risk of colorectal cancer.
  • Gluten free Rice:-Black rice is naturally gluten free & cholesterol free rice. It helps in lowering the blood sugar level & type 2 diabetics.
  • Help in reducing weight loss:-Black rice is rich in fiber & protein than brown rice which help in promoting weight loss & body fat.
  • High dietary fiber:-High dietary fiber in black rice prevent bloating & constipation. The anthocyanins found in black rice can be effective in treating asthma.


Content Reference:-

The prime moto while preparing the above content is to educate the students who are pursuing carrier in Hospitality & food trade, Hoteliers, chefs, Hotel Management faculty members, Housewife’s etc. The above content has been compiled after referring various culinary books, Research Papers, Research articles, Food magazines, news papers, top culinary websites, Govt websites, personal interaction with renowned chefs from various hotel brands like The Ashok Group of hotel, ITC, Oberai, Leela, Park Hotels & various IHM Faculties, Nutritionists etc. & many  more. The picture which i have used has been taken from the open source website .Some of the important website referred for the above content are:- 

  • American International Journal of Research in Formal, Applied & Natural Sciences
  • Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, Department of Food Engineering, National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM)
  • Food and Nutrition Department Hiralal Majumder Memorial College, Dakshineswar, Kolkata
  • The hindu businessline.
  • News from on 5th Oct 2020
  • The Hindu news on 30th April 2020
  • Hindustan times on 02nd May 2020
  • The spruce eat
  • NDTV Food
  • BBC food


Author: chef radhe
Post by Date
February 2025

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