Boka chaul-A delicate GI Tagged Rice from land of Assam

Boka chaul- A magic Rice of Assam


What is Boka Chaul?

Boka Chaul is a Unique Rice from the land of Assam.  Boka Chaul is derived from Assamese word Boka means “Mud” and Chaul means “Rice” means Mud Rice.  It is also popularly Known as “Zero Cooking Rice or Magic Rice”  becuase it does not require boiling in Water or Cooking by Pressure cooker at the time of preparation.

  • Boka Chaul is a Short grain Rice having low amylose starch content due to which it is very soft in nature. The amylose content in Boka Chaul is  between 04 to 14% as compare to the Regular Rice which has amylose content of approx 20% – 25% .
  • It is known as several names in Assam such as – Mud Rice, Soft Rice, Magic Rice, Zero Cooking Rice, Banka Chaol ,Buka Chal, Boka saul,  Sali Rice, Winter Rice etc.
  • It is mainly grow in the lower Brahmaputra valley region in the district of Kokrajhar,  Kamrup, Dhubri, Darrang, Goalpara, Baksa, Chirang, Bongaigoan, Barpeta, Nalbari & Udalguri. 

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Characteristic of Boka Chaul:-

Boka Chaul is a specific Rice variety mainly grown in the lower Brahmaputra valley region in the district of Kokrajhar,  Kamrup, Dhubri, Darrang, Goalpara, Baksa, Chirang, Bongaigoan, Barpeta, Nalbari & Udalguri. 

 Size of Grain:- Boka chaul is a short & round grain Rice . Its grain is normally smaller than other types of rice grain. The grain is not polished and retaing a natural rustic look.

Color of Grain:The color of raw grain is off white or pale white color depending on the paddy variety and milling process.

Water absorption quality:- Boka Chaul has high water absorbtion quality which allow it to soften quickly without cooking. it is famous for its typical characteristic of having Zero Cooking Properties. It does not require Cooking at all as it easily swells up in normal cold water within one hours  and ready for consumption after mixing it with Curd, Banand & Jaggery Items. Good quality of Boka Chaul even can swell up in cold water in Just 10-15 minutes.

Aroma of Rice :Boka chaul Rice is known for its pleasant, nutty & mild earthy aroma when cooked which is highly prized in Assamese cuisine and mainly eaten during Bihu festivals. 

Nutritional Characteristic:- It is known for its enriched nutritions  (10.73 fibre content & 6.8% protein) and mainly eaten during summer due to its cooling properties.

Starch Content:- As per the Research conducted by the Biotechnology department of Guwahati University, Boka Chaul is having low amylose starch content due to which it is very soft in nature. The amylose content in Boka Chaul is  between 04 to 14% as compare to the Regular Rice which has amylose content of approx 20% – 25% .

GI Tagging:- Govt of India has awarded the status of GI Tagging of Boka chaul of Assam in the year 2018. This is the only product of Assam which got the GI Tagging status after Muga Silk, Joha Rice & Tezpur Litchi.

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What makes this Rice so Special?

Boka Chaul Rice is processed from Special type of Winter Rice called Boka Dhan or Boka Rice which is mainly cultivated in the lower Assam District. It is a Gultenious Rice which has lower amylose starch content ( 13 % approx) and higher amylopectin starch content (approx 57%). Due to the low amylose starch content , it is very soft in nature and easily digestible.

  • As per the research conducted by the Bio-technology department of Guwathi University ,Boka chaul Rice has highest water absorbtion power as compare to any other rice. It has capacity to absorbe 73.5% of water. It swells approx two times (02 times) after soaking in cold water and 2-3 times if soaked in luke warm water.
  • It is considered as a emergency food especially during flood and other natural diseaster, becuase it does not involve any heat during cooking . during flood and other natural diseaster. 
  • Boka Rice can also be used as a suppliment food for soldier who are posted in high altitude area. 


Brief History of cultivation of Boka chaul in Assam:-

During the 17th Century, Boka chaul rice was considered as fuel for Ahom solider of Assam who were fighting against Mughal army. Even today it is still considered as staple food for thousands of farmers of Assam who works daily in the Agriculture field especially in the lower Brahmaputra valley.

It is mainly cultivated in the lower Assam of Brahamputra region which includes district like Kokrajhar,  Kamrup, Dhubri, Darrang, Goalpara, Baksa, Chirang, Bongaigoan, Barpeta, Nalbari & Udalguri. 

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Nutritional value & Health benefit of Boka chaul Rice

As per the research conducted by the Bio-technology department of Guwathi University, Boka Chaul Rice has capacity to prevent inflammations, high amount of Protein & fibre, and has potential to cool down  the body. Some of the most popular health benefit are as under:-

  • Rich in Antioxidant:-Boka chaul is Rich in Polyphenoles and Flavonoids which help them to relieve stress.
  • Low GI Indes:- Boka Chaul has low Glycemics Index, due to which it releases slowly – slowly blood sugare in our body and help in maintaining blood sugar level in our body. 
  • Provide Instant energy:- It offers a quick sources of energy without cooking. 
  • Cooling properties: It absorves high amount of water as compare to any other rice variety , due to the same , it has cooling effect on our body.

GI Tagging Status 

Govt of India has granted Boka Chaul of Assam to the GI Tags status on 30th July 2018. It has been registered in the name of  Lotus Prograssive centre , Moroba Nalbari Assam & Centre for envirnment education, KK Bhat Road, Chenikuthi Assam. The GI Application number of Boka Chaul is 558 falling in class 30 under Rice category. 

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Content Reference:-

The above content has been compiled after referring various culinary books, Research Papers, Research articles, Food magazines, news papers, top culinary websites, Govt websites, personal interaction with renowned chefs from various hotel brands like The Ashok Group of hotel, ITC, Oberai, Leela, Park Hotels & various IHM Faculties, Nutritionists etc. & many  more. The picture which i have used has been taken from the open source website .Some of the important website referred for the above content are:- 

Author: chef radhe
Post by Date
March 2025

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