Detox Tea- A herbal blend tea

Detox tea:- A herbal blend tea 

What is detox tea ?:-

Detox tea is a type of herbal tea commonly known as “teatox” or “teas for flat tummies” . The basic ingredients of most of the detaox tea is Green tea leaf often combined with blend of herbs & spices  and  may contain considerable amount of caffeine in it.  This tea has been mainly designed to promote weight loss, increase digestion & help in removal of toxins from our body.  Detox is the process of removing the harmful substance or toxins from human body.

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Basic Ingredients in Detox tea:-

  • Main Ingredients:– One of the key ingredients in many detox tea is High quality whole leaf Green Tea due to its high level of antioxidant properties.
  • Herbs & Spices:- One of the most common ingredient in detox tea are blend of herbs & spices which includes:- Black peppercorn, Tulsi leaves, Ginger, lemongrass, peppermint, yerba mate leaves, senna leaves, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg etc).
  • Roots: Dandelion roots, Burdock Root, Licorice Root etc.
  • Caffeine: Most of the detox tea contain considerable amount of caffeine in it which helps to boost the metabolism & increase in energy level. 
  • Flavoring agent:- To make the detox tea more palatable & flavorful, many manufacture add natural flavor like Mint, Ginger, Lemon, senna leaves etc.


Role of some of the most important herbs & spices used in Detox tea:-

  • Senna Leaf:Senna leaf (सेना की पत्तियां ) is derived from the leaves of the Senna plant, which is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family.  The most well-known application of senna leaf is as a natural laxative. Its constituents, known as sennosides, stimulate the intestinal lining and have a laxative effect. Constipation is frequently treated with it.  {सेना पत्ती का पौधा पीले रंग के सुंदर फूलों वाला एक विशेष पौधा होता है, जिसमें अनेक प्रकार के स्वास्थ्यवर्धक गुण पाए जाते हैं। हजारों सालों से ही सेना के पत्तों का इस्तेमाल कई बीमारियों का इलाज करने के लिए किया जाता है।)
  • Indian Sarsaparilla Root:- Indian Sarsaparilla is commonly used for its detoxifying properties. It is believed to purify the blood, remove toxins, and improve skin health. {सरसपैरिला पौधे की जड़ में मौजूद लाभकारी फाइटोकेमिकल्स में कैंसर रोधी, सूजन रोधी, रोगाणुरोधी और त्वचा तथा जोड़ों को ठीक करने वाले प्रभाव पाए गए हैं।}
  • Licorice Root:Licorice root is commonly used to soothe the stomach and relieve digestive issues, such as indigestion, heartburn, and ulcers.{लीकोरिस रूट यानी मुलेठी को लोग मीठी जड़ के तौर पर भी जानते हैं. लोगों के बीच मुलेठी खांसी को ठीक करने वाली ‘दवाई’ के तौर पर मशहूर है.}
  • Green Tea: Green tea on its own is an exceptional cleansing tea. As a base for detox teas, it adds fat-burning properties and lowers blood sugar levels.
  • Lemon: lemon boost digestive functions, adding essential vitamins to our diet and aiding in relaxation.
  • Lemongrass: It has zesty flavor and impart good flavor in detox tea if used. {लेमनग्रास टी एक अच्छे डिटॉक्स के रूप में काम करती है और यह किडनी को भी साफ करने में मदद कर सकती है।}
  • Dandelion Roots:-Dandelion roots impart earthy & slightly bitter flavor to the Detox tea and support liver functions. {सिंहपर्णी की जड़ एवं पुष्प दोनों ही खाद्य हैं और पाचन शक्ति में बढ़ोतरी लाने के लिए योग्य हैं।)
  • Peppermint:-Peppermint impart cooling effect in detox tea and mainly valued for its potential relaxing effect on the digestion system. {पुदीना हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए कई तरह से लाभकारी है. पुदीना कई सारे पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर होता है. इसका प्रयोग दवा और औषधि के रूप में होता है.}


How to prepare detox tea:-

Detox tea is very easy to prepare at home. Just we have to take good quality of green tea leave and mix with Herbs & Spices, lemon & flavoring agents as our our choice. Detox tea should be prepare in hot water but not boiling. Warm water will preserve the delicate compound and flavor of tea. Detox tea are best enjoyed plain with our without sugar.

A simple recipe to prepare detox tea at home:-

  • Green tea leaves:-01 teaspoon
  • Dried dandelion root:-01 teaspoon
  • Dried ginger:-1/2 teaspoon
  • Dried licorice root:-1/2 teaspoon
  • Lemon :-01 slice
  • Honey:-as required 
  • Cinnamon stick:- 01 No



  • Mix all the dried ingredients in a bowl.
  • Take 2-3 cup of water, boil it. Once the water gets boil, reduce the heat to lower the temperature.
  • Add the mixture of dried ingredients in the hot water & let it be simmered for 4-5 minutes to get it infused.
  • strain the tea and then add lemon juice & honey. Now detox tea is ready to drink.



The best way to drink detox tea:-

The best time to drink detox tea is Morning time especially on an empty stomach, this will help us to kickstart our metabolism and help our body to remove toxins through natural detoxing process.

  • Detox tea can also be taken during evening time, that will help in smooth digestion of our food and provide relaxation to our body and improve sleep quality. 
  • If your detox tea is caffeine free, then drink it 15-30 minutes before breakfast, this will help to improve the digestion process before you even begin to eat..


List of Most popular Detox tea in 2024

  • Yogi detox tea:-Yogi detox tea is one of the best-selling tea. It has a special blend of several herbs and plant extracts. The main ingredient in Yogi detox tea are- Dandelion root, Licorice root, Indian Sarsaparilla Root, Burdock root , Juniper berry, Ginger, black pepper corn and Cinnamon etc. This tea makes the claim that it will help the body’s natural detoxification mechanism get rid of waste and encourage safe, organic weight loss. It is considered as one of the best weight loss detox tea.

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  • Pukka Detox Tea:-Pukka Detox Tea has been renamed “Feel New”. It is made from a blend of aniseed, fennel seed, cardamom, liquorice root, coriander seed & celery seed. It is a caffeine free tea & made from 100% organic ingredients . It has good flavor of fennel, cardamom & liquorice root. As a result ,it is mostly taken straight after a heavy lunch or dinner meal. 

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  • Sakara Detox tea:-Sakkara Detox Tea is a herbal tea blend that’s designed to support detoxification and promote overall wellness. It usually contains a mix of herbs and natural ingredients known for their cleansing properties. Some common ingredients might include green tea, ginger, lemongrass, dandelion root, and peppermint.


  • Teacurry Detox Green Tea:-Teacurry Teatox Ayurveda is a caffeine-free tea blend that is ideal for all ages, especially young ones. It has sweet refreshing taste & earthy flavor and rosy aroma. The main ingredients in this detox tea are:- blend of green tea leaves from Assam, ginger, cassia cinnamon, black peppercorn, cardamon, rose petal, cloves & bay leaves. This tea is helpful in assisting reduce the body weight including water weight.


  • The Indian Chai – Dandelion Root Detox Tea:- Dandelion root is obtain from Dandelion tree which is rich in vitamins & mineral and mainly used in detox tea for the purpose of detoxifying . It is manufactured by the Indian chai company.


  • Vahdam Organic Detox Kahwa Green Tea:- It is one of the premium quality of detox tea mainly popular in kashmir. The main ingredients of this Detox kahwa green tea are:-High quality Himalayan green tea, black pepper corn, clove, cumin, rock salt, ginger, tulsi & lemon. It is mainly used in cough & cold relief.


  • Girnar Food – Detox Green Tea:Girnar Detox Tea is a type of herbal tea produced by Girnar, an Indian tea brand known for its wide variety of teas. The main ingredients are:- Green tea, black peppercorn, ginger, tulsi, rocksalt, lemon juice, hing, clove, cardamon, cinnamon & Nutmeg.

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  • Traditional Medicinal everyday Detox tea:- This caffeine free tea is made by Traditional Medicinals- a brand known for its wide range of wellness teas crafted from high-quality ingredients. This detox tea is very complex tea contains roasted chicory roots, burdock root, Schisandra Berry, ginger root  & Dandelion roots.



Example of other Popular detox tea brand & variety available in Indian Market


Health benefit of drinking Detox Tea:-

As the name suggests, detox tea aids in the removal of all toxins from your body. One of the oldest and most traditional approaches to health is detoxification, which dates back to the 20 century. Detox tea has numerous health advantages.

Example of some of the health benefit of drinking Detox tea are:-

  • Drinking regular detox tea will help in eliminating toxins from the Body. One of the main marketing aspects of detox tea is its weight management properties.
  • Detox tea can support digestive health. It stimulates the production of digestive enzymes that are necessary for proper digestion.
  • In addition to helping your digestive system, the components in a natural detox tea can increase your metabolism, which can improve how well your body processes food and eventually assist weight loss.
  • Due to anti-inflammatory & antioxidant ingredient in detox tea, it helps in improving the Immune system. 


Potential risk with detox tea:-

There can be some potential risk of drinking of detox tea. Regular drinking of detox tea in empty stomach may cause abdominal discomfort, cramps & inflammation to some people who are have weak immune system or those having stomach issue. 

Content Reference:-

The above content has been compiled after referring various culinary books, Research Papers, Research articles, Food magazines, news papers, top culinary websites, Govt websites, personal interaction with renowned chefs from various hotel brands like The Ashok Group of hotel, ITC, Oberai, Leela, Park Hotels & various IHM Faculties, Nutritionists etc. & many  more. The picture which i have used has been taken from the open source website .Some of the important website referred for the above content are:- 




Author: chef radhe
Post by Date
February 2025

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