Kai chutney:-A unique delicacy of Odisha
What is Kai Chutney?
Kai Chutney also known as Red ant chutney or Similipal kai chutney is a unique delicacy of Mayurbhanj & Keonjhar district of orisha among tribal people. It is prepared with Red weaver ant (Kai) & their egg grounded together into a coarser paste along with Dahnua Chill green chilly, garlic, ginger, Mint leaves, mustard oil & salt.
- This traditional condiments has a rich history dating back to the tribes of Mayurbhanj & Keonjhar district of Orisha & has been a staple in the diet of the local tribes for generations.
- Recently Kai chutney of Odisha has been received the Geographical Indication tag (GI Tag) on 2nd January 2024.
pic source-https://www.villagesquare.in/step-by-step-guide-to-make-red-ant-chutney/
Characteristic of Kai Chutney:-
Since the Red weaver ant contains natural citric acid which coarsely ground with ginger & garlic, mint leaves, dhanua green chilly & mustard oil.
- The flavor profile of this chutney is :- Pungent, hotness & Sour.
- The Kai chutney of Mayurbhanj & Keonjhar is very pungent which is enriched with ginger & Dahnua Chilly (Special chilly mainly grown in these tribal area)
- It has bold taste and mainly consumed for nutritional value & health benefit as it is rich in protein & other nutrients. It is often consumed with Rice or Indian Bread.
- Local tribal people also prepare medicinal oil by dipping Red weaver ant in a pure mustard oil for a month to make a concoction. This red weaver ant & mustard oil concoction is used as a body message oil for babies to cure ringworm & other disease.
- Due to high demand, local tribal people used to pack kai chutney in Sal leaves and sell it to the local/Village market on an approx price between Rs 500 to Rs 1000/- per kg.
What is Kai or Red weaver ant ?
The Red weaver ant is locally known as “Kai” in Mayurbhanj & keonjhar district of orisha and are available throughout the year mainly in the similipal forest. In India it is also found in the forest of Assam, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Northeast states & Southern state like Kerala, Tamil Nādu & Karnataka. Red weaver ant is known for their aggressive behavior & nest building ability.

How Kai chutney are made:-
First of all, tribal people collect the Red weaver ant from their host trees & dropped into a bucket of water before sorting & seperation from leaves & debris. Only young red weaver ant & its eggs are collected, the old or matured Red weaver ant are left in their nest to lays eggs to expand their family.
- After collection of the ant , it is then cleaned. After that Kai chutney is prepared by mixing and grinding Red weaver ant with Ginger & garlic, Dahnua Chilly, mint leaves, lemon Juice , mustard oil, Salt & hint of Sugar on silbatta or stone grinder by hand.
- The taste of kai chutney can be enhanced by adding hot water & mixing some quantity of black pepper into it.
- All ingredients used in the preparation of Kai chutney are locally available which makes it a Unique products. It is the Staple condiments of local tribals and eaten during festivals, ceremonies & even every day meal.
pic source-https://indianexpress.com
Why Red weaver ant is used to make Chutney?
The tribal community believe that eating Red weaver ant can boost the immune system & help to maintain the overall health. Tribal community used to eat Red weaver ant & its eggs to treat cough & cold, Joint Pains etc. Due to the above medicinal properties, it is usually used as a food by Trible people specially living in dense forest of Mayurbhanj & Keonjhar district of Orissa & other part of our country like Jharkhand, North east & some part of South India.
- Why kai chutney is indigenous to Mayurbhanj & Keonjhar district of Odisha :– Because Kai (Red weaver ant) is found in abundance in the Jungle of every block area of this district.
Recognition of Geographical Indication (G.I) Tagging to Kai Chutney
Recently Similipal Kai Chutney of Mayurbhanj Keonjhar district of Orissa received GI Tagging for its taste, texture & Nutritional benefits on dated 2nd January 2024 to Mayur Bhanai society limited of Odisha who applied for GI Tagging in 2020. GI Tagging help in preventing unauthorized use of product name & its origin. Upon receiving GI Tagging to Kai chutney, it has gained legal protection for marketing their unique product.
Nutritional Value & Health benefit of Kai chutney
Research from Orisha University of Agriculture & Technology reveled that Red weaver ant is eaten mainly due to their nutritional value as they are rich source of Proteins, Vitamins B12, ,Minerals like Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Calcium & Iron , low in fat & cholesterol as well as essential amino acids . The ants & its eggs are also known for medicinal properties to treat cough & cold, Joint Pains, fever etc.
- The nutrients of the Kai chutney is unique in its compositons & taste as compare to the kai chutney prepared in other area or state like Jharkhand, south indian states due to their natural habitants, food habits, climate conditions, soil types in the forest etc.
As per the laboratory analysis result of Kai Chutney published in the Geographical Indication Journal 178 dated 31st Aug 2023. The approx Nutritional value of Kai Chutney per 100gms are as under:-
- Energy:- 165Kcal
- Protein:- 15.29mgs
- Fiber:- 3.61gms
- Sodium:- 899mgs
- Potassium:- 392mgs
- Iron:- 7.8mgs
- Vitamin A :- 62.31µg
- Vitamin D:- 10.52µg
Content Reference:-
- The above content has been compiled after referring various culinary websites, govt websites, Research Papers, Research articles, Food magazines, news papers etc as well as personal interaction with renowned chefs from various hotel brands like The Ashok Group of hotel, ITC, Oberai, Leela, Park Hotels & various IHM Faculties, Nutritionists etc. The picture which i have used has been taken from the open source website. Some of the important website referred for the above content are:-
- https://search.ipindia.gov.in/GIRPublic/Application/Details/725
- https://www.globalissues.org/news/2024/07/02/37103
- https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/food-news/odishas-red-ant-chutney-receives-gi-tag/articleshow/106706268
- https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/travel/odishas-red-ant-chutney-gets-gi-tag-all-you-need-to-know-about-this-superfood-101704803577094.html
- https://www.downtoearth.org.in/food/mayurbhanj-s-red-ant-chutney-receives-gi-tag-why-this-is-important-for-nutritional-security-of-tribals-93707
- https://www.herzindagi.com/diary/odisha-kai-red-ant-chutney-details-article-261844
- https://www.indiatoday.in/newsmo/video/odishas-kai-chutney-made-from-red-weaver-ants-gets-gi-tag-ever-tasted-this-chutney-2487446-2024-01-11
- https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/with-gi-tag-mayurbhanjs-superfood-ant-chutney-set-to-find-more-tables/article65595336.ece
- https://www.hindustantimes.com/htcity/htcity-foodies/odishas-red-ant-chutney-receives-gi-tag-101704889110665.html
- https://www.editorji.com/lifestyle-news/food/odisha-s-red-ant-chutney-gets-gi-tag-here-is-how-the-locals-make-this-this-unique-recipe-1704874996434
- https://www.firstpost.com/india/kai-chutney-mayurbhanj-and-mission-gi-tag-11276171.html
- https://www.livemint.com/news/india/odishas-red-ant-chutney-seeks-gi-tag-here-s-everything-to-know-about-this-superfood-11657015869876.html
- https://search.ipindia.gov.in/GIRPublic/Application/Details/725
- https://food.ndtv.com/news/odishas-unique-red-ant-chutney-granted-geographical-indication-gi-tag-4834469