Quinoa: The Ancient Superfood for Modern Nutrition

Quinoa-A super gluten free food

What is Quinoa seed?

Quinoa is an edible seed obtain from the weed like flowering plant called goosefoot which is closely related to the family of amaranth plant. Quinoa plant is basically a herbaceous annual plant mainly grown as a crop for its edible seeds. Quinoa is also pseudo grains or a gluten-free seed same as Amaranth seed as its crop does not belong to grass family and quinoa seed are obtain from bushes or shrubs of pseudo grain plant. The words Quinoa is pronounced as “Keen-wah”

Quinoa grains are used in the same manner as the amaranth seed or buckwheat grains. The Quinoa plant has been cultivated for more than 5000 years ago in the Andean region of Northwest south America specially countries like Bolivia, Peru, Equador & Chile.


Pic source-Arid agriculture

Quinoa plant belong to Chenopodiaceae family(genus Chenopodium). Its botanical name is Chenopodium quinoa Willd. It comes in various color such as Red, yellow, black & white.

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Pic source-123RF.com

Characteristic of Quinoa seed:-

  • Quinoa seed is coated with a bitter substance called “Saponin” resulting its seed doesn’t attract birds for food. Due to this bitter coating, it require thorough cleaning & rinsing before cooking to neutralize the bitter substance saponin as well as an enzyme inhibitors such as Phytic acid. Most of the grain sold commercially in the market are processed to remove this bitter coating. The basic difference between Quinoa seed & Amaranth seed is that Amaranth seed do not contain bitter substance called saponin and No hulls.
  • Quinoa is also naturally gluten free seed due to high concentration of protein (14%)
  • Quinoa seed contains all 09 essential amino acids making it the complete protein grains. It is also high in dietary fibre, vitamins-B, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, calcium, Zinc, Copper, Vitamin E and Antioxidants.
  • Quinoa seed has slightly nutty flavour similar to brown rice texture

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Types of Quinoa seed:-

There are several varieties of quinoa that grow in many colours. In South America the three most commonly cultivated and consumed are the red, white and black varieties. The other Quinoa products are Quinoa flackes & Quinoa flour used in cooking.


  1. White Quinoa seed:- it is one of the most common type of Quinoa seed and its taste is most delicate, light texture,as compare to any other type of quinoa seed. White quinoa seed cooks easier & faster and less crunchy , when cooked it become fluffier. It is known by several common names such as Tan quinoa, Ivory quinoa, golden quinoa, yellow quinoa, blond quinoa or simply Quinoa.


Pic source-Envato elements

Red Quinoa seed:- Red Quinoa seed has rich but bitter taste, chewier , heartier texture & nutty flaour as compare to white Quinoa seed. It does not become as fluffier when cooked as white quinoa seed, therefore it is mainly used in salad. Red quinoa seed is often called Red Inca or Inca Red. Dried red quinoa seed are flat oval in shape. It also maintains its red colour after cooking, so if you are looking to add some colour to a dish, red quinoa can be a great addition. In some countries red quinoa seed are also known as purple & orange quinoa seed


Pic source- Foodbynature

Black Quinoa seed:-Black quinoa seed is slightly sweeter & earthy flavour as compare to the white quinoa seed. Its black color remains intact even on cooking. Black quinoa seed is least commonly used quinoa seed as compare to the other variety such as white & Red. The black color of this quinoa seed hold up well even during cooking.

Although all three quinoa seed colours have similar protein content, but fibre content are varying in nature. The black quinoa seed contains higher fibre than Red & white quinoa seed.


Pic source-Nuts.com

Rainbow quinoa:- Rainbow quinoa is not any type of quinoa but it is the blend of all three quinoa seed i.e white quinoa, Red & Black quinoa seed. Sometimes it is also known as Tri-color Quinoa or blend quinoa.


Pic source- istock

What are Quinoa flakes?

Quinoa flakes are just a pressed Quinoa seed just like an oat groat is rolled out to make a rolled oat. Each quinoa seed is rolled out to make Quinoa flakes. It is made using a special machine in which whole quinoa seed are flatten it into flakes using a grain flaker. It is similar to rolled oat. Quinoa flakes are usually eaten as a cereal grains in breakfast as it cooks very fast just like instant oatmeal. Quinoa flakes can also be prepared in a microwave by mixing it with other cereal and water or milk.

Quinoa flakes is milk, slightly nutty flavour & little bitter in taste. Toasting of quinoa flakes will make it taste sweeter with more nutty flavour.


Pic source-Healthy supplies

About Quinoa plant:-

Quinoa is a herbaceous plant which are mainly grown for its nutritious seed.

Quinoa is an annual herbaceous plant that which is a native to the Andes mountain of Chile, Bolavia & Peru in Northwest south American countries. Quinoa crop was a staple food of the Inca people and also remains an important food crop for their descendants, the Quechua & Aymara people who live in that rural region. Quinoa crop in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador & chile are popularly known as Inca rice and has been cultivating since ancient times. Quinua means “mother grain” in the Inca language.

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Pic source-plantpermaculture

Quinoa crop is referred as “pseudo cereals” due to non-legume or Non-grassy plant grown mainly for its grains purpose as other pseudo cereals like amaranth seed or buckwheat seed. Quinoa flower:-Quinoa plant can grow from height of 1.5ft to 6.5ft and its flower color can vary from white, yellow and pink to darker red, purple and black. Quinoa plant has wide leaves that looks like the foot of a goose. The leaves are usually green in color but as the plant matures, its leaves turn into yellow , red or purple in color.

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Pic source-caribbean garden & Green people

Climate & soil conditions required for the cultivation of Quinoa seed:-

Quinoa crop require cool temperature between 30 degree F to maximum 95 degree F for healthy growth with short day light. The crop grow on sandy-loamy soil with average rain fall between 300mm to 1100mm. The neutral pH Value of soil required for the growth of quinoa seed are preferred but quinoa plant can also grow in pH Value between 6 to 8 i.e slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil.

Quinoa crop can grow both in winter season and summer season at different latitudes and altitudes. It takes around 3-4months for harvesting depending on the variety.

Quinoa seed:- The seed of quinoa plant are produced in larges clusters on a panicle that resembles of sorghum. Its seed are smaller than the size of millet seed and has two flat surface and rounded sices. The seed of quinoa plant also vary in color from black,red, orange, pink, yellow or even white in color due to a resinous coating that contains 2-6% saponin. The embryo comprises 60% of the volume within the pericarp, thus resulted higher protein content in the quinoa seed as compare to other cereal grains.

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Pic source-Wiley onlinelibrary & sevenseedfarm

Harvesting of Quinoa seed:- It is harvested when it reaches physiological maturity. Once the quinoa seed matures fully in their plant, then they are laid down in the field for sun dried for 35-45days, after which the dried seeds are threshed on the ground and beaten with stick to separate its fully matured dried seed from its plant. The quinoa grain then further sun dried to obtain desired moisture content not more than 6% and store in dry and cool place.

A brief history of cultivation of Quinoa plant :-

The Quinoa plant was described first time in the year 1797 by German botanist & pharmacist Carl Ludwig willdenow. Although Quinoa seed has been cultivated since ancient times during 3000BC-4000BC in the mountain of Andes in Northwest south American countries mainly Chile, Bolavia, Colombia, Equador & Peru for human consumption in the Lake of Titicaka basin. This grain was a staple food of the Inca people who lives in the mountainous region of Andes in the Chile, Boliva & peru countries. Incas people consider Quinoa seed as a mother grain and it was the “gold of the Incas.” They even worshiped it in religious ceremonies and believed it gave stamina to their warriors. it also remains an important food crop for their descendants, the Quechua & Aymara people who live in that rural region. Quinoa crop in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador & chile are popularly known as Inca rice and has been cultivating since ancient times.


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When Spanish people conquest of south American countries, they disrespect the cultivation of quinoa crop and forbidden its cultivation in south American countries. They declared quinoa a false idol and burned its fields. They almost destroyed all the evidence of quinoa, however, some seeds were spared and in the 1980s, two Americans scholars who studied spirituality in the Bolivian andes rediscovered this seed and started growing it in Colorado for the first time since the fall of Incan civilization of Andes region.

In the year 1980 United Nations declare this ambiguous Quinoa crop:- “A Super food” with a protein value equal to Milk. NASA even used this Quinoa seed for its prolong space mission for their astronauts.

United Nations in the year 2013 has declared “International year of Quinoa” due to its high nutritional values and resilient nature of the crop.

How Quinoa seed grown in India:-

In the year 2014, Govt of Andhra Pradesh launched a project called “ANANTHA”. Under this project, Quinoa seed were given to anantapur district farmers for cultivation of quinoa seed in the land. This was the first initiative of Quiona seed cultivation in India. The anantapur farmer got very impressive result on harvesting of the quinoa seed and were able to make profit upto 1.25lacs per 2.5 hectare of their land. Later on commercial cultivation started and 03 companies namely –Natgrow, Orillet food & Quinoa guru started their commercial processing unit in Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh.

  • It was in the year 2013-14 when the Govt of Uttrakhand signed a horticultural research agreement with Peru to grow Quinoa seed in the state. Accordingly agricultural research institute in Andhra Pradesh with extensive research successfully developed Indian variety of Quinoa seed.
  • In the year 2015, Govt of Rajasthan also took initiative and started Quinoa cultivation trial in the district of Bhilwara & Chittorgarh and become the largest producer of Quinoa seed in India. The production of Quinoa seed in Rajasthan stood 6000 tonnes in the 2018.
  • The credit also goes to Mr yash Agrawal & Mr. Jatin a former investment banker from Andhra Pradesh brought the quinoa seed from Peru with help of his family who visited peruand planted his first batch of quinoa on the outskirts of Jaipur in Shekhawati.  He developed a hybrid quality of Quinoa seed with cross breeding of Indian variety & imported variety. After a successful harvest in Shekhawati, he planted the crop over three years and 100 acres of contract farm land in Jaisalmer and Pokhran.

Quinoa production in India:-

First plantation of quinoa seed on the outskirt of Jaipur, later in Jaisalmer & Pokhran by Private entrepreneur Sh. Yash Agrawal & Sh. Jatin. Other Indian state also started cultivating quinoa crop from year 2015 onwards are-Uttrakhand, Maharastra, Himachal Pradesh, Laddakh . Andhra Pradesh and Uttrakhand are emerging as main cultivators of Quinoa seed in India

Picture of Quinoa cultivation in Laddakh (Tsewang Nurbu’s Quinoa field in Nubra)


Pic source- Tsewang Nurbu

Note:-Bahtua is the name for the goosefoot plant and quinoa is the seed of that plant. Quinoa is also in the same family as amaranth, which is a local grain in India.

World leading producer of Quinoa seed:-

Accoring to the United Nation report of The Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database (FAOSTAT), Puru is the current largest producer of quinoa, followed by Bolivia and export more than 50% of their produce. In 2018, world production of quinoa was 158,920 tonnes, led by Peru (86011 tonnes) and Bolivia (70763 tonnes), Equador (2146 tonnes) . The global Quinoa seed market is expected to grow by 26% by 2022 as per FAO Report.

Culinary use of Quinoa seed:-

  • Quinoa is considered as one of the least allergenic gluten free grains, making it a best choice for wheat free food or gluten free food. When Quinoa seed is cooked it become fluffy creamy with nutty flavour suitable for all time cooking from breakfast(as a cereals) to Lunch to Dinner menu as a salad or as a side dishes.
  • Since the quinoa seed having coating with saponins compound which impart bitterness taste, therefore, the saponins coating from quinoa seed should be removed thoroughly before cooking by washing the seed. Properly cleaned Quinoa seed can be cooked same like Rice and it is eaten like Rice & couscous.
  • Quinoa seed can be added in any Beverage such as smoothies, shakes or Juices to enhance the nutritional value of drink.
  • Quinoa seed are generally taken as a cereal in Breakfast as a substitute for oat meal. The small grains of Quinoa seed cooks quickly and can be added with dry fruits, Nuts, seeds, Milk & honey to make healthy breakfast cereal delights.
  • Roasted or puffed Quinoa seed are used for making of several sweet items such as energy bar or used as a coating on chocolate, cakes, cookies, puddings, muffins, pancakes etc.
  • Cooked Quinoa seed is extensively used in healthy salad preparation, soup preparation, snacks preparation, Rice preparation, etc. White quinoa seed takes approx 10-15mintues to boil or cook whereas Red & Black quinoa seed takes longer time to cook. Quinoa seed also used as garnishing of the tossed vegetables, meats, poultry & seafood dishes.
  • Healthy shallow fry or deep fried kabab can also be prepared using quinoa seed. Cooked quinoa seed can also be used in the stuffing of several vegetarian & Non vegetarian dishes such as stuffed aubergine, stuffed pimentos with quinoa seed etc.
  • Flour can also be prepared by grinding of dry quinoa seed for making breads, cakes and other baked goods.
  • Quinoa seed can also be used to make burger, patties etc due to its binding nature and filling texture.
  • Quinoa seed can also be added in the preparation of soup, stews, dal, gravy etc.

Health Benefit of Quinoa seed:-

Quinoa is one of the most protein-rich foods we can eat. Protein content in Quinoa seed is approx 14gms (per 100gms of seed) Quinoa protein is a complete protein contains all 09 essential amino acids.

Quinoa is rich in magnesium. Magnesium helps to relax blood vessels and thereby to alleviate migraines. Magnesium also may reduce Type 2 diabetes by promoting healthy blood sugar control.

Quinoa seed contains almost twice fiber as compare to any other grains. Due to high fibre content, it helps in lowering the cholesterol and glucose levels.

Since quinoa seed also contains Iron, which helps to keep our red blood cell healthy. Iron also increases brain function because the brain takes in about 20% of our blood oxygen.

Quinoa contains lysine. Lysine is mainly essential for tissue growth and repair.

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Precautions:- Pseudograins such as quinoa, buckwheat, and amaranth are not ideal foods for babies. This is because these grains may expose babies to substances such as tannins and saponins, which are harmful as they interfere with the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

Nutritional comparison of Quinoa seed with other Non glutinous super grains:-

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  • Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  • Deputy Regional Representative Multidisciplinary Team Coordinator for South America
  • www.Oaquinoa.com
  • Quinoadirect.net
  • Journal of pharmacognosy & photochemistry 2019, college of agriculture, Jayashankar telangana state agriculture university, Telangana.
  • Quinoa news from the dailypao.com
  • Food and agriculture organization, USA
  • International quinoa conference 2016
  • Hindustan times news on 10th Dec 2018 on Quinoa seed.
  • The spruceeat.
  • BBC Food
  • NDTV Food
  • Forbes.com


Author: chef radhe
Post by Date
March 2025

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